What’s a Good Tech Stack For Mobile Connected Devices?
Building product development expertise for connected devices has led us to create a tech stack we can reliably use for these complex efforts. We’ve carefully selected software tooling with sound engineering ergonomics for efficient and flexible development across iOs, Android, and web based apps.
We recommend and utilize these tools to enable flexible and scalable value to our client partners.
Build once, run everywhere.
React Native -React Native is used to build cross platform mobile applications. This means that engineers can use a single codebase to build applications for multiple platforms, including mobile, web, and connected devices. React Native's architecture is based on components that are reusable and allows engineers to see changes in real-time, creating significant efficiencies in the process. High performance capabilities make it ideal for connected device work.
Expo - Expo compiles, shares and ships React Native apps for all major mobile platforms. Expo allows teams of engineers to target native functionality without writing native code using an open source, productive framework.
Speak to your products in the harshest of environments.
BLE - Bluetooth Low Energy is an open spec that uses much less power than traditional Bluetooth, making it ideal for connected devices that need to operate on battery power. BLE can transmit data for months or even years on a single battery. We're well versed in architecting and implementing effective BLE protocols alongside our firmware engineering partners.
React-Query - This React tooling allows for powerful state management and async API communication to ensure app and API stay in sync across environments. Caching and state management is also important for connected device projects where network connectivity may be intermittent. With caching, data is stored locally, reducing the number of network requests required. The data is then organized in a way that makes it easy to manage, fetch, and update.
Drive robust, performant cloud infrastructure.
Elixir/Phoenix - Elixir is a resilient, robust language for building distributed applications. Elixir is built on the Erlang VM, which is known for creating low-latency, distributed and fault-tolerant systems. Phoenix is a framework for building productive, responsive, and elegant web applications. Elixir’s strengths enable Phoenix to build highly-performant, highly-distributed services over multiple classes of architecture and tooling. From collaborative user experiences over websockets to highly performant APIs, Phoenix and Elixir are tools for connected, mobile products.
AWS - AWS is the platform to manage application workloads at any scale and in any place. The Elastic Container System allows your web apps to scale from zero to infinity over multiple availability zones and regions. Amazon Relational Database Systems allow you to run highly-available, consistent databases as part of a managed service. Tools like Terraform are used to automate many other AWS features.

Our team of engineers bring the best of tried and true technology and practices, along with fresh perspectives on new tools to keep us doing the best work for our clients. These core tools have and will continue to be foundational to our ability to do connected device work we can stand behind.
Reach out to explore how we might work together on all your connected device needs.