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October 18, 2023

How Phoenix became the most admired web framework among developers.

Stack Overflow found that Phoenix is the most admired web framework and technology. So what about the framework makes it so popular? Township's Director of Engineering Scott Taylor shares his reasons and favorite Phoenix-based projects.
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October 16, 2023

How to optimize content for humans and robots.

When it comes to optimizing digital content for SEO, who comes first in priority–the humans we hope to reach, or the search engine crawlers that determine reach? At Township we've found that the answer is, well, both. Let us explain.
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September 06, 2023

Documentation User Stories: Pull Request Workflow

In their simplest form, pull requests are a mechanism for an engineer to notify team members that they have completed or modified a feature. But beyond a notification, pull requests offer a dedicated forum for teams to collaborate, discuss features, share insights, and transfer knowledge. Township's pull request workflow represents our commitment towards supporting the growth of our team and our products.
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July 18, 2023

Documentation User Stories: JSDoc and Typescript

One of the benefits of working with an agency of our size is our ability to balance rigor and the ability to have wiggle room when planning and delivering technical work. Check out our documentation on why JSDoc and Typescript are valuable tools to not just have, but use.
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June 12, 2023

What’s a Good Tech Stack For Mobile Connected Devices?

Building product development expertise for connected devices has led us to create a tech stack we can reliably use for these complex efforts. We’ve carefully selected software tooling with sound engineering ergonomics for efficient and flexible development of connected products.
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May 19, 2023

Product Development for Connected Devices

Connected devices make for complex product development. Working with a digital product agency who can complement or supplement your team’s expertise for connected device product development means you need an experienced and dependable partner.
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April 11, 2023

Accountability to our People & Values

Walking the talk of Township’s core values and how we extend them to our team.
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April 06, 2023

Why name values if you can’t live them?

When we created Township, we wanted to prove that a positive impact on our people's lives and quality technology design can coexist in a two-way relationship. We extend this belief to our team, our client partnerships, the products we develop for customers, and the communities our work impacts.
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March 17, 2023

A Rhode Island product agency, at your service...

Township’s roots were planted when we became a Rhode Island product agency in 2014. Since then, our team has blossomed and expanded across the country. But, much like the small-town feel of our namesake, we keep our Ocean State pride intact.
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February 28, 2023

Tips for Making a Simple Wizard Feel ALIVE!

Simple wizards are user interfaces that offer step based interactions and logic where a user puts in information to get an output. We're sharing our design tips paired with visuals to illustrate how you might bring small steps in a simple wizard to life in a big way.
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February 16, 2023

Natasha’s Deferred Developer Dream

How Junior Engineer Natasha Johnson went from working in the prison system to becoming a self-taught developer. Natasha hopes to encourage and inspire others to pursue their dream when they may not have otherwise.
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January 27, 2023

Avoiding a Flurry During Remote Employee Onboarding

Remote employee onboarding doesn’t have to be a chore.
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January 12, 2023

Who is Township?

We don’t just design and engineer thoughtful product experiences and brands...
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December 22, 2022

Township 2022 in the Rearview

As we shut off the Township lights for a winter solstice, we’re taking a pause. Rather than 🫣 peeking back at the year, we’re doing a full 180 degree turn to soak in the view 🏔.
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September 03, 2020

How to Plan a Remote Retreat

…or if Buzzfeed wrote this headline: “Six things you need to make your 2020 retreat great!”
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August 07, 2020

How to be Kind to Your Team

Leading your team with kindness will make you a more effective leader.
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June 05, 2020

Better Slacking with Status Emoji

There are no natural cues to tell you when your remote coworkers are in deep focus. Here's a simple solution.